Tuesday, November 25, 2008


It is raining!! Finally we are getting rain again. It has been coming down in rushes making streams in the street. This is the kind of rain that I love. It cleans the air, the trees, the bushes, the sidewalks. After a rain all the colors are brighter and optimism fills the air. OK so that's a bit romantic but after months without a really good downpour I really appreciate a good rainstorm.

Why California Cat Lady? Well, clearly I live in California and Don teases me that if we get any more cats I'll be a true "Cat Lady". You know the kind. She sits in a rocker all day surrounded by her pride of cats. Don believes that it takes feeding and cleaning up after five cats to achieve true cat lady status but I'm claiming it with only three. Of course I don't sit in a rocker all day and my cats will only sit in my lap occasionally but still, they are fun and lively and brighten up our home.

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

I see nothing wrong with being a cat lady. :)